Sunday, April 09, 2006

When Did The World Go Crazy?

I guess I must have been in a coma for the last 5 years? I didn't even notice it when the world turned insane. It started then but has gotten even worse since. What caused this to happen? I'm confused!

Let's try to piece together how it happened. Let's see.....First there was this presidential election in 2000 where an imbecile was put into the White House even though he wasn't elected by the American people! Wow, that's how it started. A bloodless coup was pulled off in the great country of the United States! What happened next?

Oh yeah.....the imbecile in the Presidency allowed two super tall buildings to be attacked by terrorists that he was complicit in the attacks! Then he acted as though they acted alone and did it all with only the help of box cutters. 19 men with razors that changed the world? Sounds like a good title for a movie.

After that he used the lie that we had to attack Iraq because they were involved and they had nuclear weapons. Wait! They weren't involved and they didn't have nuclear weapons? Oops! No apology, no pulling out of the troops! In fact, let's keep the troops over there until the next presidency (if there is one?) and possibly keep permanent bases there indefinitely.

On top of all of this, let's not do anything to the country who supplied 15 out of the 19 supposed hijackers and the Saudi Arabian leader of their terrorist organization! Let's make more business deals with them and protect them from that falsely accused country next to them!

Along the way we'll wiretap American citizens illegally and then get mad at whomever leaked this information. We'll even threaten to fire anyone who leaks this kind of information again. We'll wiretap law-abiding people just because they don't like how we do things! Or if they happen to call people or email people overseas.

We'll pass this law called the "Patriot Act" in the middle of the night which gives us further "Orwellian-like" powers over the people who didn't even vote us into office! We'll keep tabs on dissenters who aren't happy with our tyrannical rein! Imagine that?

Then we'll leak information to possibly get a woman killed just to get revenge for her husband refusing to lie about the imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! We'll commit a total act of treason and no one will do anything about it! We won't even appologize! How diabolical?

Another thing we'll do is get others to accuse anyone who hates our dictatorship that they are not patriotic and anti-religious!!! That'll shut our opposition up! Wait.....many people who hate us ARE patriotic and religious??? No way, that can't be. Well, just slander them anyways!

One last thing. We'll start a THIRD WAR against another country with lot's of oil in it! Then we'll have hardly any troops behind to protect our homeland! Yippie! Maybe that'll even destroy our economy and we'll have another "Great Depression"! That sounds totally rational and sane, doesn't it?

This is where our once great country lies today? I, for one, find this 100% insane!!! How have we, Americans, allowed them to do this to us? Why haven't we stopped this atrocity? I don't know!

Are we going to continue to allow this to get worse before we put a stop to it? I sure hope not! If a war is started in Iran there will be "Holy Hell" to pay!!! That will be the "straw that broke the camel's back"! There is absolutely no way this country can support 3 wars simultaneously---financially, militarily, or even emotionally!!! We as Americans should protest this 10 times stronger than what the supporters of illegal immigration rights are doing right now! This cannot happen and should not be ALLOWED to happen!!! There is only so much pushing around a human-being can take before he must fight back! Don't be the Bush Administration's slaves anymore!!! They are using us!!! They do not care about us or our loved ones dieing for illegal, unjust wars!!! They only want to dominate the whole world and get richer and more powerful than anyone has in the history of mankind!!! Believe me! This is not a joke!!! This is our absolute last chance! If we don't do this now, they will take over for eternity!!!