Friday, January 20, 2006

Political Correctness is Dangerous!

Political correctness and the mentality related to it are killing this world! Nobody is real anymore. Free expression does not really exist today!

I find it highly ironic that people feel they are sparing someone's feelings when they say in front of them only what they want to hear, but secretly are saying differently! We' ve become phonies and actors.

A great example of this is the crucifixion of Ray Nagin (New Orleans mayor) and Pat Robertson! I don't agree with everything they say but I admire their courage to be honest about their feelings! Today, people hate that and try everything in their power to stifle that. Especially the media! That's why these two men are being raked through the coals by them. Did they say anything any different from what a lot of other people out there are saying or thinking privately? I don't think so!

I think God is mad at America! We are not living the right way. Our immorality is so out of control I think most kids are so completely confused they truly cannot understand good from evil!!! Because they don't see it modeled for them by us adults. We seem to expect kids to turn out alright even though we don't teach them or show them morality that gives them stability!

With all the broken homes from divorce. Homosexuality running rampant--if God had wanted gays he would have made Adam and Steve, not Adam and Eve! Seriously, homosexuality IS wrong! It says so numerous times in the Bible yet you even have politically correct church people saying there's nothing wrong with it??? Excuse me? Obviously they've never read their bible because it says it literally hundreds of times that homosexuality is WRONG! I don't condone "gay-bashing", violence against gays, or judging them any more than anyone else (I am a rotten sinner myself!) who sins--we ALL sin and are equally guilty in God's eyes! It is just one of many sins, but it does seem that societies ALWAYS deteriorate once it becomes rampant! Read about it throughout history--the Greek Empire, the Roman, etc...

What happened in New Orleans was horrible and I'm sure there were some good people living there, but it is one of the most sinful cities in the world!!! Drugs, prostitution, the debauchery that goes on at MARDI GRAS, homosexuality, promiscuousness, gambling, etc..etc...Las Vegas and SAN FRANSISCO are also some of the most sinful cities in the world as well and it wouldn't surprise me one bit if they were destroyed by either a natural disaster or by a man-made problem! Los Angeles and numerous other big cities rank shortly behind them. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of just as evil cities in other countries around the world! But God looks at us as the leader of the world and therefore holds us the most responsible.

People are intimidated into telling the soothing things society wants to hear because of the way anyone who speaks honestly and open is slandered by the media whenever they say what they feel is right! I personally don't know Mr. Robertson or Mr. Nagin and don't think they are saints but admire they had the guts to say what they thought was right (and most people probably thought too) and said it in public--no matter the consequences! More people should do that! When did it become a crime to speak your mind? I believe what made this country great (and unique!) is that we used to give people the FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!!! Are we moving towards a fascist society thanks to political correctness? When did we stop being "real"?

Have you ever had someone tell you something nice to your face but later on it got back to you that they had lied to you and were secretly saying the opposite things about you behind your back? That's political correctness in a nutshell! Tell someone what they want to hear instead of what will help them the most in the LONG RUN! Being surrounded by "yes-men" causes you to never seriously evaluate who you are and therefore it impedes improving yourself as a person!!! Who do you respect most--a person who tells you the 100% truth all the time or the person who only tells you what they think you want to hear--and then bad-mouth you to others?

I'll be the first one to admit that sometimes when someone tells me the truth about the way I am (if it is negative) to my face I can get really offended or angry at them at that time! No one wants to hear they do things wrong. But in the long run, when I have time to look back at it in retrospect, I realize they did the right thing because it helped me to evaluate myself accurately and to improve myself!

That's why everything today is flipped is white...evil is good...etc... We all have a false perception of the world and of ourselves! Exactly what Satan loves! Tell people what they want to hear--the soothing things--and they'll love you for it (at least be fooled into loving you--for the short-run until they discover the truth!). Satan fools us into thinking that no rules or no constructive criticism are the good things for us, which in the short-run they APPEAR to be. But in the long-run we see the truth and see that rules and constructive criticism really protect us and set us free!!!

Sin almost always feels and seems fun in the beginning but it always inevitably leads us into slavery and therefore is not fun anymore! It becomes our master and our tormentor! Take drug use for example--I used to be a "pot-head" so I know for a fact--in the beginning it's fun and exciting to get high! It doesn't take much too get you high and you really feel good for a few hours while you are high. Then after you've done them for awhile you become addicted and they become your master! You get cranky when you are not on them, you spend most of your time plotting how to get them, you become unable to have a "good-time" without them (although they hardly have the same effect on you anymore and you have to take higher doses of them to get the same high), and you take tremendous risks (and hangout with some really sinister people you wouldn't normally deal with). They own you!

Satan works exactly the same way, he makes sin seem so fun and freeing in the beginning but after you take his route he lets you know he owns you and you lose all your free will that God gave you at birth!!! We become slaves to our particular "poison of choice"!

Political correctness is in this same vein! It looks like the right thing and the freeing thing but in the end it is just a sick illusion! Nobody and nothing is real! We were handed a false reality! When you tell someone what they want to hear aren't you really lieing to them???

But, I guess it was meant to be this way to lay the ground work for the Great Tribulation to come. Everything is almost in place for the AntiChrist to show his evil face! He and his "false prophet" are going to look like the good guys. They will appear under a false pretense of PEACE (in actuality they will secretly be torturing and murdering people like crazy!) and will APPEAR to be the "enlighted ones" to lead the world into prosperity and rejuvinaton! Most people on earth will be fooled by them and join them in their deception! "Outwardly they will appear as docile sheep but inwardly they will be ravenous wolves".

On the other side of the spectrum, the TWO WITNESSES will show up and they will be hardcore in their beliefs! They will tell the people the truth about the wickedness they are committing rampantly! They will be able to use God's Holy Spirit to strike anyone down, dead, who tries to harm them! They will tell people that they have been living evil and should repent and sin no more! They will not tolerate anything other than obedience to God's ways. But this will cause the majority of the people of earth to hate them and want to kill them!!! People hate to hear that they are doing anything wrong! They will APPEAR to be the bad guys in the eyes of the majority of this world.

So the AntiChrist and the False Prophet will be praised and worshipped, while the TWO WITNESSES will be hated, disrespected, and eventually murdered!!! Messed up, huh? It sounds like a myth, a legend, a it will happen!!! What side will you be on?

I don't know why God allows good people to be punished with the bad? That's one of those mysteries that we'll find out about at the time of the Great Judgement!


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