Tuesday, January 10, 2006


All you need is love...love....love is all you need. The Beatles were right! Maybe they got some other things wrong--like the drugs and Eastern religion thing and being bigger than Jesus (blasphemy!)--but on this point they were 100% right!

We need more peace in the world! Not "peace-keepers". Like the peace-keepers of the UN or the US or the EU! What that really means is, "We are going to bully you into doing things OUR way!" Most of the time the "peace-keepers" are worse than the "aggressors". Take all the rapes and beatings committed by UN troops in Africa, South Asia, etc....

Forcing people into peace never works! Not even if our esteemed President George Bush says it does. If you grew up with a sibling(s) you can vouch for this! Did you ever beat up your brother/sister to have your father catch you and threaten to spank your butt hard/ground you? Did that stop you from doing it whenever you were alone with your brother/sister and assured you wouldn't get caught (because you threatened them with a worse beating if they told on you!)? The same principle applies to nations and the adults who run them!

The only way to get people to be peaceful most of the time (it's human nature to fight sometimes--and righteous, if you are correct, and it's done without violence) is to teach them to be peaceful!!! Especially why peace is such a good thing. Unfortunately, most of the time you have to appeal to an individual's selfishness. You tell them that when you hurt others you are hurting yourself just as much. To kill someone else is like killing a large (if not whole?) part of yourself!!! Ask any soldier or veteran this and see what they say.

God made us to feel pain when we inflict it on others! He knew this was the only way we could truly understand what the other person was going through! People that are violently aggressive and cruel are not people who are happy with themselves! You get that way from being brutalized yourself. Just look at the example of Adolph Hitler. His father, Alois, beat him, his siblings, and his mother. Adolph almost died from one of his dad's beatings! Do you think this could have had any bearing on the monster that Hitler ended up becoming??? I think so!

If you look at the backgrounds of most (probably all) serial killers, they probably were abused a lot as children--either sexually, physically, mentally, or verbally (or any combination of these!). It doesn't excuse them for their actions (even if they are found insane), but it makes it that much easier for them to inflict pain and/or death on others! Everyone needs to take responsibility for their own actions....

I will continue this later..

God bless and stay peaceful!!!


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