Friday, January 06, 2006


Most citizens in the United States are either brain-dead or just too busy to pay attention to the state of politics in this country! WAKE UP!!! Wake up before it's too late! That includes the people of the world as well.

The current Abramoff scandal is just one of many, many cases of corruption by our so-called "leaders". When are we, the people, going to say, "We will not tolerate you (our politicians and corporate "big-wigs") our tax money as your personal bank account!!!" For every time they get caught you better believe there are probably over a thousand other things they should have been busted for!!!

We, as citizens, need to be "a thorn in the side" of every politician and corporate leader! We should make them accountable all the time! We must educate ourselves about the issues and the law and take legal action whenever & wherever we can!!! That is the only way to assure that at least half of the time we might actually catch these greedy, immoral, deceptive scumbags before they take too much advantage of us poor and powerless people!!! Enough of being "doormats" for the rich who exploit us and push us around all the time! We need to assert our wishes and band together to stop the oppression. We are the majority (in sheer numbers!), not them!

How do you stop a bully on the playground? You all band together and you stand up to him! You tell him, "We aren't going to take your beatings anymore! If you do it again we are ALL going to gang up on you and kick your butt!"

I am not advocating violence at all. Violence is ugly, un-Godly, and unethical! We need to be VOCAL about our rights! Enough just buying the lies of the rich and powerful! We deserve to have some happiness and freedom to do what we want too! EQUALITY is not too much to ask for, is it? I know I may not be the smartest, have a ivy school education (which most of the time daddy arranged passing grades, i.e. our President!), or the greatest references, but is that any reason that heart, hardwork, and determination can't make up for that???

Just because you don't have rich parents or relatives that can give you the connections to get you a great career is that a reason you should suffer? Should we just expect to get the "left-overs" because we are poor and powerless? Is it right that 1% of the population should own over 70% of the assets??? Nobody needs or should even have the amount of obscene wealth people like Bill Gates, George Bush, Dick Cheney, Warren Buffett, or Sir Richard Branson have!!! (Just to name a few...) I'll guarantee you that the majority of it was made stepping on "the little people" and through dishonest means. That's why Jesus Christ said, "It is harder for a rich man to get into the Kingdom of Heaven than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle".

It is not just our country it is every country in the world! The corruption and evil being done by those in control of the world has become completely INTOLERABLE!!! "For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in high places" (Ephesians 6:12--NKJV) The great majority of today's worldwide rulers report to Satan!!! The Illuminati and the New World Order ring a bell? Satan is the god of this ugly world we have now-days!!! This stuff is not just the stuff of delusions of paranoid freaks, it actually is true!

Are we going to wait until the top 1% own 100% of the world??? I, for one, do not want to wait for that! If you don't believe me about this, do nothing and see how bad it gets in the very near future. The "Plamegate" scandal (of which Karl Rove was guilty but got off totally scot free!), the false pretenses behind the Iraq war (and all the sons & daughters of the poor dying for it!), and now the Abramoff affair, are just the tip of the iceberg!

Did you know that our government could have caught Osama Bin Laden? But they let him get a TWO MONTH HEADSTART for one thing, then the man in charge of capturing or killing him asked for 800 more men to achieve this goal and our government refused to give it to him!!! He says there is no question they could have had Bin Laden if they would have got this simple request! Do you know that in 1996 Sudan was willing to hand over Osama to the CIA and they refused to take him because supposedly they didn't have enough evidence to arrest him? Didn't have enough to arrest him? Everybody (Interpol, the Saudi Intellingence Directorate, CIA, etc...) knew that he was behind the first bombing of the World Trade Center in 1993 and the two bombings of American embassies in Africa!!! [Read the book, "THE AL-QAEDA CONNECTION: International Terrorism, Organized Crime, And the Coming Apocalypse"--by Paul L. Williams]

I love my country and its people dearly!!! I think that anyone who is against the Iraq War and domestic spying on REGULAR, LAW-ABIDING citizens are the TRUE PATRIOTS in America! The Patriot Act is the biggest abuse of power and could be the scariest thing to be inflicted on its people since Hitler and his S.S.! Mark my words--it will be abused (probably has been already?).

It could be used for good but even so the over-riding principle is that it PUTS TOO MUCH POWER IN ONE PERSON'S HANDS! That is exactly what are forefathers, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Benjamin Franklin did not ever want to happen in this country!!! They fought the Revolutionary War against England for this principle, for Pete's sake!

Yes, the war on terror is tough. Yes, we need to prevent it in the future. But should we do it at the expense of average, law-abiding Americans? Should we give way too much power to one part of the government? If we infringe on everybody's rights, where does it stop??? Can't we fight/prevent terrorism WITHOUT doing it like Nazis? Legally and democratically! After all, isn't that supposedly the whole reason we are fighting in Iraq--to uphold these great principles?

What are President has done by starting a war on TOTAL FABRICATIONS and WITHOUT Congress passing an "Act of War" on Iraq sure seems like impeachable acts! In my opinion, this President has committed many acts of downright TREASON!!! Spying on Americans without a search warrant (which other government officials say is super easy for the President to obtain secretly and quickly!)? Starting a war without an act of Congress? Protecting Osama Bin Laden's family and the Saudi royal family/government when they supplied 15 OUT OF THE 19 TERRORISTS WHO FLEW INTO THE WTC , AND THEY ARE KNOWN TO DONATE MILLIONS OF DOLLARS TO ISLAMIC CHARITIES THAT ACT AS TERRORIST FRONT GROUPS?

Why were 24 members of Bin Laden's family flown out of the country when ALL flights in the US were supposed to be grounded? Why was W., Jr. allowed to join the National Guard and stay stateside when every other able-bodied man in this country was drafted and forced to go to Vietnam? (Is it because only POOR KIDS should have to die in war?) Why was he allowed to defy the rules (without any punishment?) and not show up for his physical or other responsibilities? Yet, he's the first one to say that you are a coward and un-patriotic because you refuse to fight in a war that is illegal and based on total lies??? I guess he's an authority on cowardism? He knows first hand!

Its getting like you don't have the right to disagree with a corrupt government in this country anymore! I do believe it is a Constitutional Right to express your opinions!!! Or at least it was before they turned this great country into a DICTATORSHIP!!! Being angry about: being lied to, innocent and poor Americans dieing in vain, corruption out of control, most of the people in the Bush Administration directly PROFITING off the war, the rich getting all the tax breaks while the poor get poorer and poorer, doesn't exactly make you a terrorist or someone who should be harassed/intimidated!!! That used to be a right in this country! (Uh oh, now I'm going to be investigated! If you don't see this blog anymore then you'll know I was "taken out" for my beliefs)

Why am I so angry? Because me, my family, or other good Americans are going to die for something they didn't do!!! More terrorist attacks are going to be committed against Americans (possibly NUCLEAR!) and more countries around the world are going to hate us for something we didn't even know was going on!!! This administration has made ALL OF US targets! Sooner or later other countries--possibly the EU, China, Russia, any Arab/Muslim country (mostly Iran) is going to try to take us out because of this corrupt government's aggression worldwide and arrogance!!! They will look like the heroes and we, the villians! It will happen unless we kick this administration and get a respectable, internationally aware, and honest government in office!!! Mark these words.

Other nations may say, "But you, the American citizens, elected Bush and his corrupt administration". Is this really true? I'm not so sure. Did he really win the first election in 2000??? Or the one in 2004 either? The first one he most certainly STOLE with the help of his corrupt brother in Florida, Jeb, and his buddies on the Supreme Court! What it basically was is a "bloodless coup"!!! Then, did he get illegal votes in Ohio the second time? I guess we'll never know because the voting was done electronically--without any paper trail! I can't prove it of course because Karl Rove was thorough (like usual) and covered it all up smoothly!!!

Unfortunately, I don't see ANY good candidates (so far) in the next election coming up! Not in the Democratic Party (Please--no Hillary!) or the Republican Party. It is really an atrocity that we don't have at least 4 different political parties in this country! Wouldn't that truly make us a TRUE democracy? It seems in all the Presidential elections since the early 60's we are unfortunately usually stuck with voting for the "LESSER OF THE TWO EVILS"!!! I've heard many, many people say that but election after election nothing ever changes. Oh well, I guess the poor and powerless weren't meant to get our justice until the next life???

I hope God will give us a reward in the spirit world! We at least deserve that after all the injustices done to us by the Satanic, rich, powerful, greedy, power-hungry jerks he let's run this physical world!!! Otherwise, that's pretty depressing if we don't.



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