Saturday, January 28, 2006

What's going to happen soon?

Is the Illuminati planning something a big "event" in the very near future? February and/or March to be exact? Call it intuition or just a sense of current trends on the websites on the net but I think so. When? That remains to be seen, but I keep getting signs that point to around February 1, 2006! Keep your eyes open and pray for strength for whatever may happen!!!

I get a strong sense that the world is getting more and more evil, also. It says that it would towards the end of time. Parents are taking their kids to see "Harry Potter", "The Chronicles of Narnia" (it is NOT Christian--it is a clever deception!), and now "Nanny McPhee". What do all these films have in common? You guessed it--WITCHCRAFT!

Hollywood is trying to indoctrinate kids into the way of occultism/satanism at a very young age! They make it to appear to be entertaining and funny. Witchcraft is just a fun game you can play to amuse yourselves is there platform. Well, it most definitely is not just "fun and games"! It is evil--white or black magic it is all the same--EVIL!!!

What was the greatest lie that Satan sold mankind? That he didn't exist! It's been said many times over (the movie, "The Devil's Advocate", for one) and applies 100% to the current world! Nobody thinks the spirit world (in general) even exists--God, Jesus, Guardian Angels, Satan, Demons, etc...But they do, and you'll find out the hard way if you even dabble a little in the occult and/or witchcraft!

This trend towards commercialism and materialism is really pushing this agenda even stronger. There's no spirit world so go ahead and play tarot cards, get into the psychic world, playing Runes, astrology, Dungeons and Dragons, play Harry Potter role playing games. There's nothing to fear because it's only a physical game of fun!!! Nothing dangerous in that? WRONG!!!

Just like all lies Satan sells he makes people in the beginning stages of the occult think that what they are doing is just "harmless fun". A way to escape the harsh world of reality for a little while. But then he entices you in even more--slowly, but surely--into the darker arts and practices!

Once someone gets a little "power" from these rituals and beliefs they get addicted (just like drugs!). Then when they get in too far and maybe get demon-possessed or out-right sell their soul to the devil he has them fooled to the point that they think they can never get out!!! Which may seem totally real to the person being enslaved. That is the true torture and 100% slavery he craves! He convinces you he owns you! That's when an individual becomes extremely evil--they figure that being they are spiritually condemned to hell that they might as well bring others down with them--misery loves company! They work for him in enslaving others! You may laugh, but ask someone who's been there and they'll tell you that's EXACTLY how it happens!!!

This is the agenda of the Illuminati--get them indoctrinated when they are too young to understand and by the time they can understand it's too late, they're condemned! Where I found out about this is from a video tape a friend sent me of an informational seminar done by a man named Bill Schnoebelen. He and his wife were into everything evil before they were saved by Jesus through true repentance! He claimed to have been a member of the Illuminati, a vampire (literally!), and a Freemason in the upper degrees! [Do a google search of his name and find out more.]

Just pay attention to all the movies that have and are coming out in the last 2 to 3 years. A big majority of them are about Withcraft (Wicca) and/or some other evil-related subject! Is this by accident? Is this just "giving the people what they want"? NO!!!

It is a legitimate conspiracy against the masses! We are looked upon by the top leaders of the New World Order as ignorant "cattle" to be prodded along or slaughtered for their means!!! They basically consider us totally stupid and easily manipulated! They are essentially "Gods" on the Earth! They have the right to treat us any way they want! They answer to the "9 Unknowns", the "Ascended Masters". Which they believe are adept magicians from the past who they can channel! What they really are is high-ranked demons. Great entities to take orders from, huh?

The number one thing that Satan really hates is that Jesus beat him by not giving into his temptation and dieing to absolve all of mankind for their sins. This really, really burns him! [This was depicted in the movie, "The Passion of the Christ"] That is why his #1 most coveted lie that he has sold, is selling, and will completely try to sell--using the AntiChrist--is that Jesus was just a man and did not die for our sins. This is his favorite lie! As we get closer to the end he will use his human agents to sell it to the majority of mankind! Unfortunately, most will buy it.

Books like: "THE DA VINCI CODE" (and the movie coming out soon), are meant to lay the groundwork for this lie. Did Dan Brown do that knowingly or is he just an unknowing pawn? It remains to be seen, but I personally believe he is probably a "multi-generational Satanist/occultist" that was designated by his superiors to get the word out so everything is in place for the AntiChrist when he arrives!!! All he'll have to do is reiterate what is already in everyone's conscious due to Dan Brown and other NWO agents!

They like to mix 50% truth in with 50% lies because that is the best strategy to confuse people! They will tell you that many pagan beliefs were intertwined with Christian beliefs to make a hybrid religion. This was done by Constantine! Yes, Constantine did do some of these things. He changed the Christian day of worship from the 7th Day of Saturday to the 1st day of "Sun"day. To appease both pagans and (easily-fooled) "Christians".

The true Church that was started by Jesus and then his disciples after his death NEVER conformed to any of Constantine's beliefs!!! They are the ones you here about being martyred by being fed to lions at the Roman Colliseum! Not the "pretenders" of the Holy Roman Church ordained by Constantine. The true Church was "hijacked" by the Roman Catholic Church as the real church of Christ and they attempted to wipe out all the members of the True Church by murdering them! Then they attempted to destroy ALL proof of it's existence!!! They are the "pretenders" to Christ! They replaced the Disciples Church as the "chosen Church of God".

They (Catholic Church), through Constantine, were behind the legendary "Council of Nicea" where "The Church's" dogmas were changed to suit their plans to conquer Christianity as the one and ONLY Christian church! They are total impostors!!!

Christmas is NOT an original "holiday" of the original church of Peter! It has barely anything to do with Christ and his birth! The pagans which were in control of the Roman Empire until Constantine changed that (he himself had been a pagan!) by taking the day of December 25 th (the Winter solstice) which was a day to honor the pagans' god, "Mithras", and turning it into Jesus supposed birth day!!! Christ was not even born on that day! Not to mention that NOT ONE VERSE IN THE BIBLE commands you to keep "Christmas"! The word is not even mentioned in the Bible! [Check out everything I say for yourself!] It is a total pagan rip-off designed to bring the pagans into Constantine's newly adopted Holy Roman Catholic Church!!!

More members meant more money in donations to the church/government (they were one and the same in those days!). Plus, it would end all the wars between the pagans and Christians. Not to mention, it would make his name "immortal"!

Easter is also a holiday they stole from pagans and put a Christian face on it! It was borrowed from the ancient, mystery religion, "fertility cults". Christ was not resurrected on that day, either! We may never know when these days occurred because the Catholic Church changed the calendar to the Gregorian one we use today (to cover up when Jesus was actually born, when he died, etc...)! It doesn't matter because the Bible doesn't ONCE command you to celebrate these days with rituals! You should honor and cherish what Jesus accomplished with his death and resurrection and use that to reinforce your faith--but not party on those days!

Think of it from a common sense point of view? What does a green, decorated tree with presents under it have to do with Christ's birth at all??? Why give presents to others to honor Jesus' birthday? Do you give presents to everyone but the birthday person on their birthday??? Does any of that make any sense at all? What does a fat man in a red suit have to do with it either? Teaching your children to believe in a lie like Santa, now there's a great thing to do! All are pagan rituals attached to Christmas much later and have absolutely NOTHING to do with Christ's birth!

Why worry about of any of this? Just go out there and enjoy yourself you may say. Well, the reason to worry about this for one is THEY ARE ALL LIES! Is that really something we should celebrate? For two, do you really want to play into the evil "controllers" in the end times and become their slaves??? Wouldn't you rather do what God commands in Leviticus 23 and keep the REAL HOLY DAYS!? Wouldn't keeping the REAL SABBATH DAY commanded by God in the Ten Commandments be a good thing--THE 7TH DAY!!! "Sun"day is not the 7th day! In Genesis, when God created everything he rested on the 7TH DAY, not the 1st day. Read the Bible and check it out yourself!!!

Another thing Satan truly loves is for people who try to be real good Christians to not read the Bible themselves and take some priest/minister's word for it! This is how "false prophets" of the past, present, and future will deceive many!!! Very few people will actually know what the Bible says and how to obey God because of it! There are many, many people out there that use religion as a way to get rich while deceiving the people. That does not mean you shouldn't believe in God--it just means that you should have a firm "foundation" by proving everything you read in the Bible to yourself first and then developing a PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with God--before joining any religion!

"BE PREPARED"--like the Boy Scout's motto--because the time is here and will only get worse--for deception!!! Deception in everything, but mostly the belief & faith in God! Supposed "discoveries" will be made of ancient manuscripts that will say Jesus was only a man and that He married Mary Magdalene and had children. Then, after His death, allegedly, Mary moved to southern France and raised His children there in which His descendents still live today! COMPLETE FAIRY TALES!

The people who allegedly will find these ancient documents will most likely be Freemasons (or connected to them) and will have known all along where to find these manuscripts because their ancestors were the ones who hid them in the first place! Secondly, the documents will be forgeries and/or lies made in ancient times to perpetrate the deception even more! It probably is passed down each generation where the hiding places of these "artifacts" are and the story they are supposed to tell about finding them when the time is ordained for them to be "found"!!!

Some that have already been "found" are the Dead Sea Scrolls, The Nag Hamadi Scrolls, the Apochryphal Epistles (replacement texts for the REAL epistles of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John). I think the biggest forgers probably were at the Alexandrian Coptic Church! It seems most of the fake religious documents come out of that (secretly Gnostic) church in Egypt. I think the Essenes near the Dead Sea (the ones who allegedly wrote the "Dead Sea Scrolls"-- were really ancient Templars/Gnostics/Freemasons set up to make up contradictory stories to the TRUE EPISTLES of the Bible!). They are certainly very, very crafty and intelligent deceivers but even the best lies reveal cracks in them if you really investigate them! That's exactly what they count on nowdays--not many people nowdays even care enough about God or religion to investigate the truth for themselves--or they are so lazy they'd rather have someone else tell them the "truth" without any work involved!

Don't be surprised in the near future if the Ark of the Covenant is supposedly found! Or the Catholic Church does have it and returns it to the country of Israel. This would most definitely assure that the Third Temple of God in Jerusalem would be built, thus ensuring the emergence of the AntiChrist and False Prophet! The New Temple has to be built in order for the daily sacrifice to be taken away and for the "Abomination of Desolation" to be built at its entrance. The AntiChrist will pretend to be the "Second Coming" of Christ and will be enthroned by the False Prophet in the New Temple and will command everyone to worship him as God!!! His image will be put up worldwide and will be worshipped everywhere.

The Pope will be the False Prophet and the AntiChrist will be the dictator of the European Union that will come to power in a false pretense of "peace"! They will rule the earth together. Anyone (the TRUE CHRISTIANS!) who does not bow down to the image of "The Beast" and receive the "Mark of the Beast" in order to buy and sell will be tortured and/or executed! See how sadistic and egotistical they will be!!! They and their minions will have everything flipped backward--good will be evil, black will be white, etc...The TRUE CHRISTIANS will be made the villians and it will look like they are justified in killing them all! Lucifer will replace the TRUE GOD (Jehovah, Yahweh) as the god to be worshipped above all others.

Watch the situation in Israel escalate in violence, now that Sharon is gone and Hamas is in power (did the Illuminati make these two things happen?). Then, when it get out of control there, watch a powerful leader from Europe come in and restore peace! (The "Last Crusade"?) Somehow he will even make the Muslims accept him as their "Mahdi", who is their "Messiah" in the End Times. He will be accepted as the Buddhists "Maitreya" as well. Thus, he will unify all of humanity as well!

As an aside (this is just a theory of mine--not gospel truth!), I believe the whole UFO mythology will figure into this whole End Time deception as well! Maybe even powerful holograms will be used? I think the "powers-that-be" will try to pass the AntiChrist off as an Alien-Human-hybrid. They may say that aliens were the ones who seeded this planet with humans and have returned now that we are advanced enough to save us from destruction and rule in peace!!! They may have him "appear in the sky" (with a hologram?) and/or land in a spacecraft (man-made, of course) and pretend to be mankind's "ultimate messiah". No one will dare oppose him in fear that he has "powers" like the fabled Superman. Only, his powers will be from the devil, because he will either be satan-incarnate-as-a-human or possessed by satan, himself! Secret high-tech gadgetry may be used to fake his power too? --[Just a hunch from what I've read!

I believe that is why the whole alien-UFO myth keeps hanging around in popular culture--to aid in the ultimate, End Time deceit!!! What better way to explain supernatural powers without God than to say they are Extra-Terrestrial powers? What aliens really are in actuality, they are demons! Always have been. That's how they have deceived many already and have kept this stupid myth alive for some 60 years or so! I could be wrong but I think that's why occultists are always into aliens too--such as Aleister Crowley.

I think all the Superman story (and all the "superheroes"!) is about it is a modern re-telling of the Aryan myth of the Nazis!!! The Nazis (and the Thule Society that Hitler and his top men belonged to) believed that a "master race" of blonde-haired, blue-eyed, "Supermen" came from the North (near the Pole) and inter-breeded with average human women. Their offspring were the Aryans! A breed of "super-humans". Originally these Aryans had come from the planet of Aldebaran, making them extra-terrestrials. Sound very familiar to the Superman story of Marvel Comics? Think about it!

Somehow the Nazi/Aryan "thing" plays into the End Times as well! I believe (pure conjecture) that the Nazi movement never died in Germany (or anywhere else worldwide for that matter) and it has been building itself up all along! They infiltrated all the most powerful governments of the world and are waiting for the exact right moment that Lucifer tells them to "come-out-of-the-closet"! They probably already are in place for global domination right now. All they need is the arrival of "der Fuehrer" and it will go off!!! An Adolph Hitler-like dictator, except 10 times worse!

Many people do not know the secret underground belief system behind Nazism. They were definitely into the occult--namely with Satanism in its most evil form!!! They had a castle in Wewelsburg that was built just like the legendary lair of the "Knights of the Round Table" of the legendary (real?) King Arthur! Few people know this, but Hitler was obssessed with the whole Holy Grail legend! That's why he loved the music of Wagner so much--it was filled with Grail symbology!!!

The Ring of operas he made were filled with occult imagery and analogies! The whole "Lord of the Rings" and "Star Wars" series are based on similar symbology! J.R.R. Tolkien was a practicing "Warlock"! George Lucas is deep into the occult world. The horror movies, "The Ring" and "The Ring-Two" are also in this same vein.

J.K. Rowling who writes the Harry Potter series is a real-life Witch!!! Her stories aren't based on "imagination"! They are based on actual concepts in Witchcraft. I believe she is using allegory to secretly reveal the AntiChrist! She is laying the "ground-work" for him. Most likely she is alluding to the fact he will be of "Royal-lineage", maybe even THE royal family, the Windsors? Could it be Charles, William, or Harry? My money goes on Prince Harry! Why? For a few reasons: a) He seems to have the "hardest" demeanor b) There is an English legend about how red hair is strongly linked with being strong in Witchraft powers c) I think Rowling is alluding to this in her choice for her hero's name--HARRY Potter? d) It is whispered by occultists on the internet that the Britsh Royal Family are the most "pure-blooded" descendents (in the fictional) "blood-line of Christ"!!! e) One of the main legends associated with the Grail Myth is that Jeremiah (the Israelite prophet in the Bible) brought two daughters of Israelite royalty to Scotland..AND... the "Stone of Scone", fabled to be the Holy Throne Stone used by Israel to crown their kings--Britian have crowned their kings there to modern times!!! Many coincidences? I think not.

Many people do not know one other thing as well--the current royal family of the United Kingdom are of German (tribe of Dan?) descent! Windsor is NOT their real name! Their real family-line's name is: SAXE-COBURG-GOTHA. They come originally from the area of northern Germany, Denmark, and southern Holland! Allegedly the area where one of the "10 LOST TRIBES OF ISRAEL" migrated to after being released from the ancient Assyrians. The tribe of DAN!!! It is also a legend from the days of the early TRUE Christian Church that the future AntiChrist will come from the Tribe of Dan! At least half-blooded.

It is not really important to guess where or who the AntiChrist is or will come from--it's just speculation! What is important is that you stay aware of current issues and current news. You accept Jesus Christ as your savior. Truly repent of your sins. Get baptized in water. Try to not sin. And have a truly close relationship with God through constant prayer and Bible study! "Put on the full armor of God" and NOTHING CAN HARM YOU!!! Not satan, his demons, or his human agents! God's Holy Spirit is stronger than anything else....

Hang in there, keep the Faith, and pray for the strength you'll need when the time comes and be found worthy to be in his ever-lasting Kingdom of Heaven on Earth!!! YOU CAN DO IT!


Blogger Greg Stewart said...

My guess the big Illumanati event is a Sweet Hearts Dinner at a local lodge, only it's the Freemasons who would be throwing it as the Illumanati are long gone.

7:32 AM  
Blogger Digital Diet 365 said...

The da vinci code movie is a tool to get people to think that CHrist had a child and the movie is conditioning people to believe that one day the "heir" will make himself known to the world...they say this a few times in the movie.

I bet that "heir" is none other than the antichrist.

Luciferian world emerging...Wake up America!

Leaders tell us there will be a one world Government:

"By the end of this decade (2000 AD) we will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in the society of nations ... a government with absolute authority to decide the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable." Pope John Paul II quoted by Malachi Martin in the book "The Keys of This Blood"

"In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all." Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, l992.

This “new world” is Luciferian based:

Those promoting the New World Order, global society, want Christianity removed to make way for people to accept Lucifer:

"Fundamental Bible-believing people do not have the right to indoctrinate their children in their religious beliefs because we, the state, are preparing them for the year 2000, when America will be part of a one-world global society and their children will not fit in." --Nebraska State Senator Peter Hoagland, speaking on radio in 1983.

How do you prepare people for this coming one-world global society?

"To achieve world government, it is necessary to remove from the minds of men their individualism, loyalty to family traditions, national patriotism, and religious dogmas." - Brock Adams, Director UN Health Organization

How would one enter this new society?

"No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation." David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative, United Nations

The Bible predicted and warned us about this a couple thousand years ago:

Rev 13:16And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.(666)

Did you know the technology to do this is here and ready?

"Is there a number or mark planned for the hand or forehead in a new cashless society? YES, and I have seen the machines that are now ready to put it into operation." Ralph Nader
This technology is being used in Europe. People are already buying with RFID (radio frequency identification chips) implanted in their hands/arms.

What is so wrong with this?

Revelation 14 warns us:
9And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand, 10The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels, and in the presence of the Lamb: 11And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

This Luciferian initiation, that David Spangler, UN, speaks of could very well be the mark of the beast, the Bible warns us about. And the mark of this man...who will it be? Could he emerge from the following?:

"We do not want another committee, we have too many already. What we want is a man of sufficient stature to hold the allegiance of all the people and to lift us up out of the economic morass into which we are sinking. Send us such a man, and whether he be God or devil, we will receive him." -Paul-Henri Spaak,The first president of the United Nations General Assembly, who was also a prime minister of Belgium and one of the early planners of the European Common Market, as well as a secretary-general of NATO.

"I believe that if the people of this nation fully understood what Congress has done to them over the last 49 years, they would move on Washington; they would not wait for an election....It adds up to a preconceived plan to destroy the economic and social independence of the United States!" --George W. Malone, U.S. Senator (Nevada), speaking before Congress in1957.

"Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." - Woodrow Wilson, 28th President of the United States.

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it" ~ Albert Einstein

7:56 AM  
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