Thursday, February 09, 2006


Why is there a current strategy by the "powers-that-be" to push the homosexual agenda on us so strongly? It's like mind control at its worst!

Example #1: Brokeback Mountain is hyped-up as the #1 movie of the year even before it has been released to theaters? How in the hell can a movie be nominated for Movie of the Year before most people have even seen it? Could this be an agenda to force us to accept homosexuality as normal and moral?

I say without any reservation whatsoever that this is BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT blatant mind programming of the masses!!! They aren't asking us to please accept homosexuality--THEY ARE TELLING US WE ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO ACCEPT HOMOSEXUALITY AS NORMAL!!!

WRONG!!! WE DO NOT HAVE TO ACCEPT ANYTHING ABOUT HOMOSEXUALITY!!! It is abnormal and 100% immoral!!! It is a mental disorder and a SIN! Just like alcoholism or drug addiction it is a disease you are born with but God wants you to not indulge in it! You must abstain, get counseling, repent of it, and turn away from it! It is not moral and is not normal!

Too many "Christians" (if you can call them that?) claim that homosexuality is not a sin and the Bible doesn't say it is. That is a blatant LIE (or at the very least, IGNORANCE)!!! The Bible says homosexuality is wrong and that it will be punished on so many occassions that you can't even count them. Either these supposed "Christians" have never read the Bible or they choose to re-write it to serve their own needs! God hates homosexuality!!! He hates all sin. But sodomy is one that He mentions specifically with the main sins He hates. Drunkards, liars, murderers, and idolaters are some of the other types of people He says will not be in His Kingdom of Heaven! None of these are considerd more or less, but all are huge infractions to God.

Does this mean we should hate these people or commit violence against them? NO!!! Odds are that most people reading this are one of these kinds of people or have been? I know I have. I was a drunkard (3 years sober) and have lied also on occassion. Thankfully we all can stop committing these sins, ask honestly for forgiveness, accept Jesus as our Savior from our sins, and constantly pray that we will not sin!

But to say being gay is not a sin is a plain LIE!!! Don't hate the sinner, hate the sin. Acknowledging that homosexuality is a sin is not condemning a homosexual to hell (for one thing eternal damnation does not really exist), it is merely saying they need to stop the behavior, repent, and live according to God's word. Just like anyone else has to do with their own sins! We all sin and we all deserve death because of it, only Christ saved us from only this physical life--we all have the chance to live forever as spirit beings in His Kingdom!

It does anger me when people who profess to be Christians go on the national news and say there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. They are ignorant or just plain rebellious! God will hold them more accountable than others who have no religious or moral background. They should know better!

Ignorance however, doesn't let you off the hook either! God will hold you responsible too. He just expects you to eventually check into the matter yourself and to "see the light" and repent of your past misconceptions! God wants the best for us all!!! But He absolutely despises lieing and rebelliousness to His laws. He will forgive anyone who truly means it!

The whole story about two of the most wicked cities in history, Sodom and Gomorrah, is about the punishment God dishes out to those living in rebellion through homosexuality! He destroyed those two cities with more power than a nuclear bomb!!! Because they were not repentant and had degenerated to the point that they took delight in homosexuality and went around raping people! They were truly evil.

I find it a strange synchronicity that today two cities in the US are fairly close to Sodom and Gomorrah in wicked rebellion through non-repentant homosexuality--NEW ORLEANS and SAN FRANSISCO!!! One was recently destroyed and the other could be soon. Do I take delight in this? No! The destruction in New Orleans is very sad and unfortunately there were probably many innocent people who were harmed too. If they don't heed the severe warning and change their ways if and when they rebuild the city it may happen again. I really hope it doesn't but God makes the rules not me!!! I just observe the outcome.

San Fransisco has been unofficially known (since I was small) as the "Homosexual Capital of the World". Everyone has heard the jokes about it and seen the evidence of it. If it were to be destroyed soon you would most certainly see that what I am saying is 100% true!!! It may be now, 2 years from now, or more than that, but one day I believe it will be dealt with for it's rebellious homosexuality and other sins!!! It is also no coincidence that the Church of Satan was founded there in 1966 by Anton La Vey! For that alone it is begging for suffering. Luckily God gives us many, many opportunities to repent before He punishes us. Hopefully, San Fransisco will do that before it is too late?

None of this is a happy thing for me to say! I do not say it sanctimoniously or with joy, I hope it did not have to happen (and I could be wrong and it may not happen?), but odds are it will! Only if a miracle like what happened in Jonah of the Bible occurs can it be saved. I hope it does!

I believe the United States in general are feeling the curses that God promised if we went away from the 10 Commandments and became an overwhelmingly sinful society!!! That's why pedophilia, murder, adultery, broken families, prostitution, corrupt politicians, and every thing else is becoming uncontrollable in this country! We are being punished!!! Me, as well as all other Americans.

God had big plans for America and He is deeply saddened to see that we have become so rebellious and turned our backs on Him! That is why He gave us so many, many blessings in the past--we were living good then! Around the early 1960's we seemed to start our slow, gradual decline in morality! I think the assassination of John F. Kennedy was the "marker" and was symbolic of the decline of America. The Vietnam War started our bad fortune off. It was a war started on lies and it was condemned from the start. It was not justifiable!

The Iraq War is just Vietnam-Part II. It was based on TOTAL fabrications and for greedy purposes! This war is cursed by God!!! God is only behind wars if there is no other way out or if another country has become so evil it needs to be punished. Saddam Hussein is definitely an evil man, but he is not more evil than the people in the US who originally put him into power in the 1980's! Rumsfeld? Cheney? George Bush Sr?

Now we have a war being "doctored-up" that could have fatal consequences! Unfortunately, we have left ourselves no choice--we have to attack Iran! This country, unlike Iraq, definitely is a serious threat to Israel and the US (maybe the world?) and must be taken down! But it is going to bring many other powerful countries against the US--not to mention all the terrorists who will be recruited to destroy us!!! Fighting 3 wars at once will seriously weaken our military! Not to mention, who will be left behind to defend THIS COUNTRY? Ever hear the saying, "spreading yourself too thin"?

We are definitely in the "Last Days" and at a crucial crossroad.....Do we give in and start an all out war? Do we do nothing and get attacked anyways? It looks as though we are trapped!!! Maybe if our supposed "good-buddies" in the European Union were to attack Iran then we would be alright? After all, why should we fight all the wars for them??? Are they helpless little babies? I think not! It is DEFINITELY their turn to take the hit!!! Or maybe making the US vulnerable to attack is really their plan anyways? Then they can waltz in and take over?

Back to the issue at hand.....The rampant homosexuality in the US (and world) is going to be our ultimate downfall! Mark these words! The Greeks, Romans, Persians, and Babylonians all were destroyed once homosexuality ran rampant (and un-checked) in their societies!!! It has happened over and over again throughout history. Do we want to be next? You decide!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a lunatic people are innately bisexual. homosexuality heterosexuality bisexuality all these are natural napoleon alexander the great leonardo da vincio were all homosexual. stop spewing hatred what makes heterosexuality normal and dont sau=y procreation there are many straight couples who dont want or cant have children. al;so some heterosexaul men are extremely kinky what about men raping women!!

8:53 PM  
Blogger candicotton said...

There is no way that you can tell me that homosexuality is normal. If there weren't a bible created, and God in the heavens, common sense will tell you that it is not normal. Homosexuals CANNOT REPRODUCE. We are meant to be fertile. The penis is meant to go inside the vagina, not the penis in the anus! God help us all, help us all, God will come back and he will help us, one day this world will be destroyed and there will be a new world, no worries, no pain, no death. The devil your time is limited! Just remember that!

2:06 PM  
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