Sunday, April 30, 2006

Tomorrow....Peaceful or Violent?

When all the people march for illegal immigrant rights will it get ugly or will it remain peaceful? My fear is that sooner or later all these marches might lead to some major confrontations and/or violence.

It will be interesting to see what kind of impact they will have tomorrow! I also find it interesting how May 1st was chosen as their day to march. May 1st is considered either the first or second highest sabbat of Wiccans/Pagans/Satanists!!! Was this purely coincidence or meant to give the Illuminati provacateurs (that are really behind all this) more demonic spiritual powers?

I live in Tucson and it has been said they want to try to bring at least 6 cities to their knees and my city is one of them! Will this end up like it always does when the media over-hypes things---it will end up being of no significance? Odds are it will, but if the guy who's been going around burning Mexican flags shows up it could get ugly!

I admire that the protesters actually think this issue is about gaining rights for illegal aliens. More power to them! But they are being used. This issue is really about keeping the borders "porous" so that the people in high power positions can continue to make large sums of money off of the drug trade, arms trade, and the human trafficking trade! These power brokers are in the government (Mexican and American, etc...), corporate leaders, and of course organized crime.

Know this: THE DRUG, ARMS, AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING PROBLEMS WILL NEVER BE SOLVED!!! The powers-that-be will see to that. They can't afford to even put a dent into it. The little busts they make here and there are only to appear to the general public that they are legitimately fighting the drug war! Or to take out their opposing dealers. The terrorists/intelligence agencies of the world make the majority of their money for black projects from these illicit trades.

One other possible reason for all this is that the globalization/New World Order people want to turn the world into 10 different unions/zones! Mexico, Canada, and the United States must be made into the "North American Union". Central and South America will be their own zone too. Of course the European Union will be the head one!

It could also be meant to incite violence and chaos through "race wars" or "class wars". That would leave it open for the Illuminati and their collaborators to justify starting a police state in North America! They know us Americans are too individualistic and head-strong to allow any outside force to control us willingly! Then they can lock up the dissenters who refuse to go along with the New World Order.

Wait and watch tomorrow!!! It is going to be interesting to see what happens. Just don't be enticed into committing violent acts by the powers-that-be so that they can enact Guatanamo Bay-like prisons for so-called "troublemakers". This is not paranoia! I like to call it "PERFECT AWARENESS".


Found this at: after writing this piece and decide to post this:

Powerful New Film Expertly Exposes Phony Drug War & Police StateA Scanner Darkly set to shake collective unconsciousness through viral popular culture shot in the arm
Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones/Prison April 28 2006
A new film set for release later this year chronicles how power interests exploit the drug war in order to create unthinking armies of drone servants and erect police state measures to prevent the people from ever glimpsing the dark truth behind a highly mechanized surveillance panopticon.
A Scanner Darkly is a powerful dystopic film set in the terrifying near future-- a world controlled by high-tech surveillance and ruled by a liberty-destroying police state. Director Richard Linklater picks up where he left off with his ground-breaking Waking Life-- its rotoscoped look has now advanced exponentially into a startling visual element which only supports the themes of this new film. A Scanner Darkly is a heavily researched, amazingly conceived blend of Phillip K. Dick's acclaimed novel and the frightening real technology emerging in our threatened world.
The film stars Keanu Reeves, Robert Downy, Jr., Woody Harrelson, Winona Ryder and features Alex Jones himself-- still bullhorning the truth in the future nightmare world. The Warner Brothers film is currently slated for release on July 7, 2006.
This movie brilliantly exposes the fraud of the drug war and how governments and power interests engender chaos in order to maintain their stranglehold on the human population.
Set in suburban Orange County California in the near future, undercover cop Keanu Reeves is ordered to start spying on his friends. A leviathan corporation, New Path, controls a drug named substance D, which causes its users to experience paranoid delusions and fantasies and eventually turns them into zombies.
An iron fist police state, a multi-tentacle surveillance grid and the abolition of freedom of speech protects the truth behind Substance D, a reality the characters seek to quantify in the midst of their hallucinogenic haze.
Society is managed similar to the tyranny of Communist China, where protesters are simply grabbed off the street and disappeared, as encapsulated by Alex Jones' role.
The final unveiling of the scope of how New Path exploits the addiction of Substance D users for its own purposes will leave the viewer reeling from a volcanic blast of contemporary social commentary.
If you enjoyed the rotoscoping effects seen on Waking Life then prepare yourself to be blown away by the visual appeal of this masterpiece. Every single frame is a work of art. The creators have managed to produce a graphic novel come to life, without losing one iota of the facial characteristics and body language encountered through standard cinematography.
The film is a multi-layered waterfall of refreshing ideas and concepts. Running parallel is a strong and consistent element of humor throughout.
A Scanner Darkly represents the latest example of a refreshing and burgeoning trend in Hollywood that seeks to enlighten the viewer into recognizing the real world prison barriers being erected around society today.
The contribution A Scanner Darkly will make to the alternative truth movement cannot be understated. For those who believe in the possibility of the
100th monkey syndrome and how the collective unconsciousness can be changed through popular culture, Scanner stands out as a watershed moment in the desire to lift the human spirit and create a better world not just through deeds but the very act of thought and understanding alone.
A Scanner Darkly is a ripple in the fabric of human awakening and its impact will send shockwaves through the New World Order architects and make them fully understand that a growing majority are becoming aware of their machinations and plans.
This isn't airy fairy nebulous wishful thinking, it is historically visible that revolutions in the way we perceive the world around us and thus change it occur simultaneously and as a result of positive viral injections, whether they come from science, religion, technology, maverick individuals or popular culture. Film is still the zeitgeist of the human psyche.
A Scanner Darkly is a prescient warning of the near-term world that awaits us all unless we stand in the way of those who would seek to crush the human soul and shackle an infinite ball and chain around our feet.
The sheer genius behind the creation of the
Scanner website is a joy to behold. This is the most 'leap off the monitor' website you are ever likely to see. It puts you in the position of the Scanner, able to cycle through different surveillance subjects and overview their connections to each other.
Also featured is New Path's psychological evaluation tool. What will a Scanner see in you? It depends on what you see in the images provided. You will soon learn that Substance D causes enough confusion for you to be labeled with a level of brain dysfunction that requires at least observation if not immediate treatment.
The website tracks the number of mouse clicks you make, eerie instant messages pop up, and you can put your own live image on the website with a webcam.
There is even an option to upload your own artwork, using either templates provided by the website or entirely your own creation from scratch. Screensavers, wallpaper, buddy icons, trailers, audio files and e-cards are just some of the other great features offered.
The appeal and 'stickability' of this website will keep you clicking round for at least an hour to make sure you sample the full smorgasbord of what it has to offer.
Click here to visit the website now.
If the quality of both the trailer and the website are any indication, this film is likely to blow open previous movie conventions and deliver a powerful warning of a not-so-distant world that we can only hope will not solidify into a permanent prison planet.
Philip K. Dick was a visionary decades ahead of his time. A Scanner Darkly represents both a warning and a shining tribute to the abilities of a prominent new crop of producers and directors.
A Scanner Darkly must be commended for its artistic flair and bold intellectual stance. We are sure that it will join the tide of change in making Americans think for themselves and devise creative new ways to reach new people and spread the truth about what is taking place in our world.
It is important to support this film in every way possible and open the door for other similar creations to follow in its footsteps.

MEXICO CITY, Mexico (UPI) -- Mexico has passed a new law that legalizes small amounts of marijuana, heroin, cocaine, LSD, hallucinogenic mushrooms and peyote.
With the backing of President Vicente Fox, the bill also mandates treatment for addicts, The New York Times reported.
'We are not authorizing the consumption of drugs,' said Sen. Jorge Zermino, the bill`s sponsor in the Mexican Senate. 'We are combating it and recognizing that there are addicts that require special treatment. We cannot close our eyes, nor fill our jails with addicts.'
Under the bill, it is legal to possess 25 milligrams of heroin, a fifth of an ounce of marijuana or half a gram of cocaine.
Sen. Miguel Angel Navarro of the Party of the Democratic Revolution was among those opposed.
'Here we are authorizing drug use,' Navarro said. 'Whether it`s a little or a lot, we are legalizing drug use.'
Before the new law, local police could arrest someone only if the person was caught in the act of selling drugs -- only the federal police could arrest someone for drug possession.
Copyright 2006 by United Press International

Thursday, April 20, 2006

What causes EVIL?

Doesn't it seem that a lot of bad stuff happens on this day or theone before it? Is it because of all the evil minions of people whofor some reason want to emulate Hitler? Why anyone would want to copy a first-rate evil asshole like him I can't imagine?

It's a messed up world is about the only explanation! The reason evil people/groups thrive and get away with their evilways is because nobody pays attention! Mainstream society seems to ignore those they label as "losers" and throw them in a corner where no one can see them, hoping they'll just go away! If society wouldtry to include more people and not label and treat certain peoplelike social outcasts there would be a lot less terrorism andindividual's killing a bunch of people and then themselves! When will we wake up and stop EXCLUDING people?

Think of Columbine....Would those kids have become so utterly evilif others hadn't been cruel to them and banished them? I certainlydoubt it! What about Timothy McVeigh? What about Osama Bin Laden?How many evil acts and evil people would exist if we didn't throwaway people we deem "losers"? It's what opens people up to evilthoughts, then actions! Cruelty in any shape or size only causesmore cruelty!!!What causes Hitlers or Joseph Stalins to exist? On the personallevel---REJECTION!!! This is why I always was kindto "misfits", "geeks", and "losers" in high school. Imagine if Iwould have done more and if others had too? Then there would be alot less mass shootings/suicides and a lot less genocidal regimes!Unfortunately our society seems to have accepted Darwinism asthe "Rule of Law" and they believe in "survival of the fittest"!Weed out those who are supposedly "weak" and let them ride intooblivion by pushing them into it!!!It's simple! "TREAT OTHERS AS YOU WOULD WANT TO BE TREATEDYOURSELF"!!! It's one of the most simplistic rules in the historyof mankind yet we can never seem to get it right. Let's change thatso we'll have a lot less people freaking out and either just killing themselves or killing others on top of it! Wouldn't that benefit us ALL more and cut down the chances of creating more terrorists ordisenfranchised "freaks"???

Sunday, April 09, 2006

When Did The World Go Crazy?

I guess I must have been in a coma for the last 5 years? I didn't even notice it when the world turned insane. It started then but has gotten even worse since. What caused this to happen? I'm confused!

Let's try to piece together how it happened. Let's see.....First there was this presidential election in 2000 where an imbecile was put into the White House even though he wasn't elected by the American people! Wow, that's how it started. A bloodless coup was pulled off in the great country of the United States! What happened next?

Oh yeah.....the imbecile in the Presidency allowed two super tall buildings to be attacked by terrorists that he was complicit in the attacks! Then he acted as though they acted alone and did it all with only the help of box cutters. 19 men with razors that changed the world? Sounds like a good title for a movie.

After that he used the lie that we had to attack Iraq because they were involved and they had nuclear weapons. Wait! They weren't involved and they didn't have nuclear weapons? Oops! No apology, no pulling out of the troops! In fact, let's keep the troops over there until the next presidency (if there is one?) and possibly keep permanent bases there indefinitely.

On top of all of this, let's not do anything to the country who supplied 15 out of the 19 supposed hijackers and the Saudi Arabian leader of their terrorist organization! Let's make more business deals with them and protect them from that falsely accused country next to them!

Along the way we'll wiretap American citizens illegally and then get mad at whomever leaked this information. We'll even threaten to fire anyone who leaks this kind of information again. We'll wiretap law-abiding people just because they don't like how we do things! Or if they happen to call people or email people overseas.

We'll pass this law called the "Patriot Act" in the middle of the night which gives us further "Orwellian-like" powers over the people who didn't even vote us into office! We'll keep tabs on dissenters who aren't happy with our tyrannical rein! Imagine that?

Then we'll leak information to possibly get a woman killed just to get revenge for her husband refusing to lie about the imaginary weapons of mass destruction in Iraq! We'll commit a total act of treason and no one will do anything about it! We won't even appologize! How diabolical?

Another thing we'll do is get others to accuse anyone who hates our dictatorship that they are not patriotic and anti-religious!!! That'll shut our opposition up! Wait.....many people who hate us ARE patriotic and religious??? No way, that can't be. Well, just slander them anyways!

One last thing. We'll start a THIRD WAR against another country with lot's of oil in it! Then we'll have hardly any troops behind to protect our homeland! Yippie! Maybe that'll even destroy our economy and we'll have another "Great Depression"! That sounds totally rational and sane, doesn't it?

This is where our once great country lies today? I, for one, find this 100% insane!!! How have we, Americans, allowed them to do this to us? Why haven't we stopped this atrocity? I don't know!

Are we going to continue to allow this to get worse before we put a stop to it? I sure hope not! If a war is started in Iran there will be "Holy Hell" to pay!!! That will be the "straw that broke the camel's back"! There is absolutely no way this country can support 3 wars simultaneously---financially, militarily, or even emotionally!!! We as Americans should protest this 10 times stronger than what the supporters of illegal immigration rights are doing right now! This cannot happen and should not be ALLOWED to happen!!! There is only so much pushing around a human-being can take before he must fight back! Don't be the Bush Administration's slaves anymore!!! They are using us!!! They do not care about us or our loved ones dieing for illegal, unjust wars!!! They only want to dominate the whole world and get richer and more powerful than anyone has in the history of mankind!!! Believe me! This is not a joke!!! This is our absolute last chance! If we don't do this now, they will take over for eternity!!!