Friday, March 31, 2006

Where have all the Nazis gone?

Did the Nazis sneak into South America, North America, South Africa, Antarctica, and the Middle East after WW II? Did the Roman Catholic Church help them through their man, Alois Hudal (and others), which was later named: "The Vatican Ratlines"? Did they do a lot of the work involved in the founding of NASA, the Philadelphia Project, and rocket/airplane technology? Were flying saucers made by the Nazis and their studies continued here in New Mexico after the war? Does a group named, "ODESSA", really exist and helped infiltrate ex-SS men into all the intelligence communities of the West--namely INTERPOL?

I don't know beyond a shadow of a doubt for sure but I'd say, "YES", to all those questions. The best place to start is a study of all the books written by John Loftus. He has done extensive work on this subject and was a government insider.

My belief is that the Nazis had a contingency plan in case they lost WW II! They went underground once the war looked unwinnable and the American troops and Russian were surrounding them. The Roman Catholic Church worked secretly with them and helped them escape using Red Cross identifications to do it. They were mostly taken to South America (mainly Argentina--their new headquarters?). Brazil, Venezuela, Paraguay, and Peru as well. There are even photos of them having big Nazi parties (full of Swastikas on the walls) and even wore their Nazi uniforms.

Many people do not know this stuff because it has been suppressed for the most part from the public and media. It is not hard to find though, if you start to dig for the information--especially on the internet!

One thing crucial to this study is the fact that Juan and Eva ("Evita") Peron of Argentina were fascists and Nazi sympathizers. The movie with Madonna, "Evita", with the legendary song, "Don't Cry for me Argentina", is about Eva Peron! What a great person to emulate? She was sent by her husband, Juan, to Europe for the express purpose of planning the smuggling of Nazis to Argentina! They funded it with all the money, gold, and possessions the Nazis stole from the Jews and others killed in the Concentration Camps. The gold was hidden in the banks in Zurich, Switzerland. Mainly because of their strict privacy laws and well-known proclivity to hide money for international criminals! And the fact the country was founded by Templars (who are tied-in with the Nazis in ideology).

The ODESSA through their contacts with the Catholic Church obtained Red Cross documents and forged identities for the main SS men to flee Europe to destinations all around the world! The main man involved was Otto Skorzeny. He was the coordinator. It is also alleged that the CIA also was involved in this massive operation after the war. Many of the SS members were adopted into the CIA to do surveillance on the USSR! General Gehlen was the man in charge of this operation for the Nazis. Some were even brought to Langley, Virginia, for CIA training. A great book to read on this issue is, "The Odessa File", by Frederick Forsyth. A movie was even made of it in 1974 starring Jon Voight with the same name.

It doesn't stop there and it would take a thick book to cover all of it! I will try to cover it as brief as possible and hopefully you, the reader, will study into it more. A nice place to go next is the study of: "PROJECT AND/OR OPERATION PAPERCLIP". This was a program designed to conceal the identities of the top Nazi scientists by the CIA and bring them over to the US to develop our nuclear program. Oppenheimer was one of these men. Most of the top scientists involved in the development of our nuclear program in Los Alamos, New Mexico, called the "TRINITY" site were ex-Nazi scientists.

A strange coincidence (was it really?) is that it is rumoured that the Nazis had developed an operable "UFO" style spaceship. The program was brought over to the White Sands Missile Site in conjunction with the tests on V-2 Rockets and developed even more for our military. It appears that it was going on at the same time that a UFO was rumored to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico! I don't believe the UFO was from outer space aliens, but rather was a Top Secret program being performed by the Nazi scientists for the US military. All of these programs were going on in the same 50 mile radius of New Mexico and yet the UFO crash wasn't related? I don't think so! It is just a theory but I have reason to believe it to be true and will fit in to future history (which I'll explain later). Could all the UFO's being seen today just be the modern equivalents to that secret Nazi technology being used to this day for our military?

Werner Von Braun, the founder of NASA, was a Nazi scientist before being forced to work for the US. It is also a fact that many of the scientists under him were Nazis as well! They had a lot to do with the current space program that we have at NASA today. It is rumored that they were the ones who came up with the technology to get us to the Moon. They also developed a lot of the remarkable rockets we had for warfare.

It has been said that secret experiments on time travel and interdimensional communication were being run out at Montauk Point on the tip of Long Island, New York! It was called the "Montauk Experiment". The Nazis were also involved in these experiments. They were said to only be a continuation of the research that the Nazis had done in Germany which had resulted in contact with "alien entities" (were they really supernatural Demons?). That would help explain their extreme cruelty and otherworld knowledge of torture techniques. If you research it you will find out about how the top Nazi SS commanders were deeply into the occult/satanism! They were brought into it by the Thule Society. Dietrich Eckhart had taught them and initiated the top 12 SS men into the "mystery school". Adolph Hitler was his main disciple. Heinrich Himmler had a castle built at Wewelsburg in the spirit of the ancient Templar "Round Table" of the Teutonic Knights of European folklore. Styled like the 12 nights around King Arthur (13 seats) at their round table--with Hitler in the role of Arthur. They performed occult/satanic rituals there to receive power and guidance in the war!

There is a great video at Google Video about the occultism of the Third Reich that I recommend you watch to get the full picture which I don't have the time to go into here. It shows the lavish occult ceremonies that Hitler orchestrated to bring back the evil "Holy" Roman Empire of the past. He modeled it like Charlemagne's empire. He also emulated Napoleon and that is why he conquered Paris and visited all the famous sites erected by him! He thought it would give him more occult power. The Nazis have been falsely labeled as Christians when in fact they were behind re-establishing all the pagan religions of ancient Assyria and Egypt! In the nature of the ancient "Mystery Schools"!

I think the Nazis did not die with World War II, they simply went underground. They have been observing the trends in modern history and waiting for the exact right time to come out of the shadows and to highjack the European Union and use it to conquer the world! The Anti-Christ will be their leader with the backing of the Roman Catholic Pope (the Catholic Church is really secretly the #1 "mystery school" in the world). Instead of taking over by out-in-the-open force, this time they are going to come to power under the guise of peace and diplomacy! They probably won't call themselves "Nazis" anymore (maybe secretly), but will use some other benevolent sounding name as a ruse.

Their leader, the AntiChrist, will appear to be a loving, caring, and peaceful man who will unite the world in peace and prosperity. Secretly he will be Satan-incarnate! He will practice the Black Magic of the Nazis, except he will be even stronger with "the force". He will appear as he is half-man/half-god and will want to be worshipped like God himself! He will resurrect the ancient pagan/satanic rituals of the past and force all the people of the world to celebrate them. He may even be a clone of Hitler. He most certainly will say he is of the bloodline of Christ (the old Grail myth) and therefore has a "manifest destiny" to rule the world. He may even say he IS Christ come as the second coming! Most people of the world will believe him.

The Nazis are out there and probably using their propaganda covertly on the internet, TV, movies, and all other media, just waiting for the day to come back into power! Just watch how anti-Semitism is growing a lot again world wide--especially in Europe. It will get stronger as we get closer to the unveiling of the AntiChrist. We will probably have been unknowingly indoctrinated into the mind control techniques of the Nazis and will not be ready when they finally show their faces in public to withstand their power of persuasion! They have probably infiltrated all the most powerful governments in the world already. You can be certain that they have in the European Union for sure!

One thing that I just learned recently and scared the hell out of me is that INTERPOL was created by the Nazis in the 1920's!!! It shocked me that this is not common knowledge known by the majority of the world's population! How could that be unless the information had been suppressed to a large degree? Even after WW II it is alleged that many of the top leaders in Interpol were undercover Nazis that had been high-ranking SS commanders! This is the equivalent to our CIA for the European Union today. I find this to be very disturbing and think it totally backs-up my theory on the future resurgence planned by the Nazi Party. Check it out for yourself--all of this can be verified! I wish it weren't true but it is. All I can say is keep an eye out for news and events that fit into this scenario and get the word out before it is too late! Stick to your guns and don't allow yourself to be roped into their hideous resurrection of the Fourth Reich! Pray to God, repent, be baptized, try to keep the 10 Commandments, and ask to be taken to the "Place of Safety" when the time comes of the Great Tribulation talked of in Revelation of the Bible.

God bless and good luck.....STAY VIGILANT!!!

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Very Scary Phenomenon...

I have been noticing a very, very scary phenomenon happening in the last few years. This new "neo-fascism" being perpetrated by Bush and his FEW supporters he has left.....

Have you noticed that if you say anything bad (just expressing your opinion guaranteed to you under the first amendment!) about Bush around one of his supporters they go absolutely psycho on you? I even had one of my relatives freak out on me and attack me personally for cutting him down!!! Why do 90% of them get so rabid and wicked at you if you don't like him? I have never witnessed this attitude in politics in the United States EVER, until now. [If I don't write another post after this you know that I was secretly abducted or killed for my beliefs--tell someone about me!]

What cracks me up is that so many of his supporters claim to be great Christians (including him!) yet they get vicious when you talk unfavorably about him! Is that what Jesus would do? Don't get me wrong--I TRY to be a good Christian too--but I don't think he or his supporters are what they claim to be! How could you defend as a good Christian a man that openly admitted that he lied about Iraq's "weapons of mass destruction" and then to have all those innocent troops of ours killed for that lie...and then he doesn't even extend the courtesy of saying sorry for it??? Not too Christian-looking to me! The ONLY time it is right to commit violence in Christianity is if it is for SELF-DEFENSE! Not a war thousands of miles away that has nothing whatsoever to do with defending our mainlan.

Here is a man who HOLDS HANDS with the Saudi Royal Family (like he's dating them) and he is in business with them and Bin Laden's family through the Carlyle Group--which his daddy is a chairman of??? Can you say "sleeping with the enemy"? How blatantly traitorous can you be? 15 out of the 19 terrorists at 9/11 were Saudi Arabians! Why don't a lot more people see how this could be construed as being a traitor? We went to war with Iraq because they supposedly were involved in 9/11 (which they were not!) and we let Saudi Arabia off with nothing at all? That doesn't make any sense at all!!! For Pete's sake, BIN LADEN IS A SAUDI ARABIAN citizen! Do you see a double standard by any chance? The Wahabbi religion which the Al-Qaida bases their beliefs on is 90% centered in Saudi Arabia! You got to think logically....why haven't we attacked them?....Why has Osama not been found?...Why do we give India the right to have nukes and then try to stop Iran? None of this crap is at all LOGICAL!!!

I am a "traitor" if I just talk negatively about Bush, yet he does business with our enemies and he isn't one? Not logical! Because I don't believe in war and killing to make money I'm supposedly unpatriotic? Or could it be that I'm so patriotic I don't like to see my fellow Americans die horrible deaths so Bush and his Neo-con buddies can get rich stealing oil and selling weapons for the war? I don't like the fact my country is close to $9 trillion in debt and yet we spend billions and billions on a war that most Americans are against? Because I don't want to see ANOTHER WAR started in Iran that makes me un-American? OH, I get it...maybe I should go into business with our enemies and then I'll be defended as a patriot! That's how it works in the "bizarro" world of today.

When did the whole country go nuts? Seriously....everything is flipped front-to-back!!! The TRUE patriots and the true-blooded Christians are the ones being attacke while phonies and liars are protected? Excuse me...I believe Jesus said voilence/war is EVIL!!! I believe He said that LIEING is wrong, too. When did it become a crime to speak out about an inept and evil president? Why must WE, the "opposers", stay quiet yet Bush supporters have bumper stickers that say "KILL A LIBERAL!" [ I personally saw this bumper sticker] It is so wrong!!!

Why do so many people feel obligated to defend a man who is easily the WORST PRESIDENT in our great country's history? He's evil, stupid as a rock, and a habitual liar! I just call it the way I see it! We cannot even support the two wars going on now (not militarily or economically!) and yet the psychopathic, Neo-Convicts want to start a war with Iran? You know they are going to do it--it even says so in their real Bible written by the Project for A New American Century. They want to start "many wars in many theaters at one consecutive time"! Go to their website and read it for yourself.

I have never been political in my life--NEVER! Yet, shortly after Bush STOLE the oval office I suddenly became VERY, VERY POLITICAL! I couldn't sit by and watch him destroy American without paying attention to it and vocalizing it. Too bad I don't have the power to have him impeached. That was a 100% bloodless coup he pulled!!! No other president has stolen the presidency by having his buddies on the Supreme Court vote him in! "We the people"? My ass! And hardly anyone noticed? What the heck was going on? Were Americans just so busy with their own lives to pay attention to such a travesty? Frightened to say it, but YES is the answer!

I am of the philosophy, "if it's not broke don't fix it", but it IS BROKE SO WE MUST FIX IT! I never cared about politics because I didn't need to--it always ran so smooth in America before "him". Seriously, not much generally changed no matter who was in office--Democrat or Republican! That is why I never voted before and why I was/am an "Independent". Our rights were so assured that who needed to fight for them or even pay attention to them? Well, that has most definitely changed!!! 9/11 is partly responsible but the Neo-Nazi, sorry, I mean Neo-Cons' dictatorship changed the country even more! And terrorism is not the real reason.

If you don't believe any of this, just sit back and watch what happens in the next 3 years! Mark my words--America is going to go downhill from here (unless a major miracle happens). I really, really wish I could say differently, but I can't without a clear conscience. We are headed for bad economic, spiritual, moral, and military times in the near future unless we take a new course!!! All I can say is that NO OTHER ACT OF TERRORISM HAS EVER BEEN COMMITTED ON THE CONTINENT OF NORTH AMERICA DURING ANY OTHER PRESIDENT'S TERM!!! That attests for the hatred that the rest of the world has for our current Commander in Chief! It used to be cool to be an American on the international scene, now ONE MAN, has made us probably the most hated country on Earth! Do you want to be hated by the world even though you completely are not like him or his followers?

Don't be intimidated into not speaking out against a corrupt dictator!!! We still have that right as of now (although who knows for how long?). Voice your opinion and may all the Bush-dissenters finally bond and speak out in one voice!!! We've got to impeach this "man"! He is evil and he will only lead America into destruction and God will allow it because of our evil ways! Remember, Germany was a democracy all the way up to when Hitler stole the leadership!!!

"First they came for the Communists but I didn't say anything because I wasn't a Communist.....Then, they came for the Trade Unionists and I didn't say anything because I wasn't a Trade Unionist....Then, they came for the Jews but I didn't do anything because I wasn't a Jew.....Then, they came for me but no-one said anything for me because nobody was left!"