Tuesday, June 13, 2006


JPMorganChase funds 95% of all Films Produced in HollywoodEvidence provided of Illuminati Control over America's #1 Export. The following website/link is straight from the Horse's orifice...no bull. Whenever any entity controls 95% of any industry , they may as well control 100%. The remaining 5% must tow the line or risk being black-listed and hearing "you'll never work in this town again".

Think about all of the corrupt garbage that comes out of Hollywood, sex, violence, drugs, smoking, a disdain for marriage, parents, traditional values.Meanwhile, never a bad thing to say about for example Bankers, certain religious/ethnic affiliations or persons who prefer the company of their own sex over the opposite, etc...There are also those that indicate that Hollywood creates a venue to further fringe and new age so-called religions and viewpoints.

Since JPMorganChase is associated with the Illuminati/NWO this makes sense, a vast medium that shapes, molds and develops the worldview of Americans and even more so foreign people that do not get to see the real America on a day to day basis, the good and the not-so good.

1. JPMorganChase owns Hollywood - He who pays the piper calls the tune...Los Angeles Business Journal - November 29, 2004 - Michael White -"JPMorganChase gets films done by the numbers" - 95% of movies made are decided on by one banker working for the bank.

www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m5072/is_48_26/ai_n8592207 .

2. Thou shalt have no false gods before me...a) Madonna and Kabbalah

www.cultnews.com/archives/000824.html .

b) Tom Cruise -Scientology

www.rickross.com/reference/scientology/mcpherson/mchpherson5.html .c)

Kenneth Anger


3. It is not just Hollywood but Government leaders too -a) Republican /President Bush - Yogi Bhajan


b) Democrat / NM Governor Bill Richardson (presidential material for dems) Yogi Bhajan as well

www.cultnews.com/archives/000778.html .

c) Other Politicians in New York - Marxist cult and Schumer and Bloomberg -


d) Sun Myung Moon joins forces with Scientology in an "alliance" - Arizona Legislature.

www.cultnews.com/archives/000701.html .

e) The "Newmanites" cult in "c" previously also counts as fans Governor Pataki of NY , Ralph Nader and Rudy Giuliani.

www.cultnews.com/archives/00724.html .

Author Peter Levenda has a book out recently on the occult background of US politics - essentially the masses are told all is secular when in fact many politicians are involved in the occult in the USA...


not for the fainthearted...

4. JPMorgan Chase and the Occult/New World Order / Illuminati:"A New World Order"? -

This link details the history of this phenomenon in the last century or so.World Trade Center , New York , lease and Laotian heroin too...

www.911research.wtc7.net/wtc/background/owners.html .

Largest Pentagonal building with UNEQUAL SIDES - JPMorganChase Tower in Houston, TX.

www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J.P._Morgan_Chase_Tower%2C_Houston .

In Occult belief systems , uneven sides allow the presence of negative forces. The pentagonal shape pervades the occult.

www.startiming.net/cave/wdc-1.html .

"The Profits of Plunder" JPMorganChase and Hitler -

www.usnews.com/usnews/culture/articles/040524/24nazis.b.htm .

JPMorganChase manage Saudi arabia's investments and profit from high price of oilRockefeller dynasty involved / finger in every pie.

www.workers.org/2005/us/gas-prices-0901/ .

The list goes on but I believe the point is made. 95% of movies made are given thumbs up or down by an employee of JPMorganChase , this includes so-called independent producers and films...think about what this means regarding the very underpinnings of modern media based global 'culture'. What about how they signal each other of things to come in their hidden agenda to dominate the world???


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